Hacking The Useless CD Single
The following are instructions on how to hack your "Useless" CD single, in order to play the multimedia content.
Depeche Mode, here are the instructions on how to "hack" the Useless CD single (both UK and US), so as to view the videos without having to use the interface supplied on the enhanced CD's.
The MUTE UK Useless single - how to hack it (Mac)
*ADVANCE WARNING!!!* If you don't know how to use the Mac program ResEdit, do NOT attempt the following instructions! depechemode.com will NOT be held responsible for any damage to your computer! The following instructions are only for people who fully grasp how to use ResEdit! With that said, let's begin.
If you are on a Mac, you need to first go to your Quicktime Settings control panel. Under "Autoplay", disable the autoplay CD-Roms checkbox. Next, put the CD into your CD Rom drive, and wait for about 40 seconds or so. When the icon finally appears, and you can move your mouse, drag the icon onto your hard drive. This will copy the contents to your hard drive (70 to 90 MEG, so make sure you have the room). After it is done copying, use ResEdit. Under ResEdits' File/Get File Folder Info menu, go to the new "USELESS" folder that was created on your hard drive by the previous step. Inside, you'll find a folder labelled "External". Click on the "Open" button, and when the little window pops up, *uncheck* the "invisible" box. Save your changes, then close/Quit ResEdit. When you go back to the "USELESS" folder, you'll now find a folder called "External", which has a file called 2X.MOV in it. This will either be the Quicktime clip of "It's No Good", or Barrel Of A Gun" (depending on which CD you put in). Double click, and enjoy. Tip provided by Daniel "The BRAT" Barassi (depechemode.com webmaster).
The MUTE UK Useless single - how to hack it! (Mac #2)
If you are a Mac user, and you own a copy of Macromedia's Director program (it's used to author CD roms, presentations, and Shockwave material found on the web), you'll find that the people that made the Useless CD rom were able to hide the folder that had the Quicktime clip, but accidentally left visible their source code. If you have Director, you can simply double click on the "main.dir" file to access their Director script. You can then proceed to extract the background that they use for the CD rom. If you have purchased the CD roms, but don't own Director, simply click here to get a JPEG of the background picture from CD1, or click here to get a JPEG of the background picture from CD2. Feel free to use the backgrounds as wallpaper for your computer monitor. Tip provided by Daniel "The BRAT" Barassi (depechemode.com webmaster).
The MUTE UK Useless single - how to hack it! (Windows)
With the CD in your CD rom drive, use Windows Explorer to find the "EXTERNAL" folder on the CD. Inside of that folder will be a file called 2X.MOV in it. This will either be the Quicktime clip of "It's No Good", or Barrel Of A Gun" (depending on which CD you put in). To play, simply move the file to your hard drive, and then use your favorite Quicktime player to see the clip. If Windows Explorer doesn't work, you can always try thumbing through the disc in DOS. Tip provided by Chad Weatherford.
The Reprise US Useless single - how to hack it! (Windows)
Stephen B. ([email protected]) has suggested a new way to hack the US Useless/Home single for windows. Here is his idea:
The only trick besides what Chad Weathford suggested is to not have Win95 "hide" hidden and system files.
To reveal these files one must double click My Computer and select VIEW, OPTIONS and then select the VIEW tab and click "Show all files".